Turkish songwriter and composer of Jewish origin. Varon was born in Gelibolu (Gallipoli). He began his music education with his father and continued to work on music during his middle and high school years. After the family moved to Selanik (Salonica), he continued his music at the office of lawyer manyasî-zâde Refik Bey. Varon’s music was influenced by Refik bey. He composed his first song at age 23, in 1907. He worked as the adviser for the Plaque Company. During the Republic ear, Varon moved to Istanbul and gave music lessons along with being in the insurance business. He worked as studio/stage manager for the Turkish music section of the Gramofon company, and taught music after returning to Istanbul. He composed semai’s and songs in the saz, and died in Istanbul. He composed beautiful and elegant songs. Among his masterpieces: Hüseynî Türk Aksağı (Baygın suların göğsüne yaslandı da bîtâb) ve Ferahfezâ /Sengin Semâî (Seyr etmek için seyrini, ey rûh-i revânım).